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Donating to projects

How can you collaborate?

If through lack of time or on account of distance you find that you cannot collaborate as a volunteer in any of our ongoing projects, we offer you the possibility of financially donating towards making these projects a reality.

Choose the one in which you would like to participate:


1 Weaving Lives (more info here):

a. Donate Weaver’s kits.

b. Donar “kits *Unico”.

2 Movement Viva Haití (more info here).

3 Inferior Urinary tract symptoms and incontinence in the development of children with trisomy 21 (more info here).

Puedes donar con PayPal o con Tarjeta de crédito

Prefieres donar mediante transferencia bancaria

Este es el número de cuenta de UNICAP

ES28 2100 1735 8802 0017 0167