It is only a year of existence and the journey is already important.
Throughout these 365 days of life, the Unicap Foundation has taken off and is beginning to gain a foothold in the world of disability through its health and education lines.

Just 72 hours ago, we launched Hilando Vidas, a project that aims to provide health personnel with tools to improve the manner of communication when children arrive in vulnerable situations. It is born with the hope of ensuring that our words do not mark the beginning of a life, but the hope of a different course, the change of destiny that sometimes appears capricious. We want the health personnel to face this complicated moment with strength, closeness and commitment and that the family find all the necessary support to relocate their life project.
Proud to be born among the hands of 7 entities struggling for a common good that promise strength and professionalism for the implementation of effective hospital protocols: Down Spain, Feder (Federation of rare diseases), Nene Foundation (neurological damage), Ihan Unicef ​​(Initiative for the humanization of assistance at birth), AEMI (Spanish association for child massage), AEPP (Spanish Association of Perinatal Psychology) and Semergen (Spanish Society of Primary Care Physicians).

The Unicap Foundation is also struggling to carry out a medical research project on lower urinary tract symptoms and incontinence in the development of children with Trisomy 21.

Although in recent years, thanks to the development, implementation and dissemination of the Health Program for people with Down Syndrome, some of the most common pathologies are detected and studied through follow-up, nephrourological anomalies have received less attention.
Therefore, we believe that it is essential to perform screening and study on urination, diurnal incontinence and enuresis and to rule out possible urinary tract abnormalities at early ages to avoid possible serious renal affectations a posteriori. At the moment, we are waiting for a possible financing that pushes the implementation of its design.

Through our educational line, and given that we are still waiting to get a space that allows us to develop our school project, the Foundation is offering awareness workshops in nursery schools, primary and secondary education centers and universities with the intention to transform the idea of ​​disability, leaving aside the focus on the deficit, to bet on the strengths and capabilities of all children regardless of their condition.

At present, we are also responding to primary education centers that wish to improve their inclusive practices to achieve the best response to all students. From this starting point, our team evaluates, makes a concrete proposal to their needs and works together with the teaching staff to achieve an impulse, strength and adjustment of measures, contents, material, tactics and activities that achieve a good inclusion of all the students inside the classroom; a classroom tailored to all and for all.

As you can see, it has been 365 intense days, full of challenges, growth, joys and struggle to achieve every day to improve a little more the lives of people with disabilities and their families.

Now we only see everything that lies ahead.
Welcome to this Adventure, that of wanting to continue dreaming for a better world!